Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research US

Common Cams: The camera angles are sharp and quick. There are also many jumpscares throughout the movie. The angles aren't usually close up and tend to show more of the characters in their settings. This was done to show the action in the movie, because "Us" is an action-thriller rather than a psychological thriller. The eerie setting the shots include adds to the suspense of the movie.
Common Clamps: The costume for half the cast was regular average day-to-day clothing. The other half of the cast, which are the antagonists wear red one-peices. This is used to distungiush the enemies from the main characters, as the enemies are doubles of the main characters. The lighting varies throughout the film. It's nothing special, and switches between natural and indoor lighting. Since most of the movie takes place at night, the movie is generally artificially lit and the movie is a bit dim. The primary cast is composed of a family of 4. In the movie, there are doubles of each member of the family that look exactly like the main cast. They're extremely evil and voilent, and repeatedly try to murder the family. The makeup and hair is pretty basic. The antagonists of the movie look more disheveled and creepy to accentuate their intentions, as well as the difference from the orginal, average family. The main props of the setting are weapons used to kill. There are guns, scissors, and other things used to commit homicide such as gasoline. The setting is an old-fashioned, beachy town that the main character of the movie has history with. It's where the movie takes place and where the family is trapped.
Common Sound: The sounds are usually loud and high-pitched. When things drop, break or are used in an action shot, not only are the sound effects louder than usual, but theres usually a high-pitched screech placed on top of it. The music used in the movie is macabre and classical. There's a lot of opera music used in it, I believe not only to further dramatisize certain scenes, but to also speak for some of the characters that are mute.
Common Editing: Most of the editing is quick and sudden. There arent many subtle, soft transitions used when the movie starts to pick up speed. Loud, jagged noises are used to scare and shock the viewer, and are paired alongside the creepy, quick-paced scenes.
Elements Of Genre: Most of the movie was suspenseful. There was a lot of physical conflict between the characters. There was also a dark mystery solved throughout the movie, that further set the tone. There was a lot of build up and anticipation in the movie, as the antagonists are constantly chasing and hiding around the town trying to kill the main family.
Elements I Liked: My favorite thing about the movie was the soundtrack. It was really beautiful and creepy that made the movie a lot better. It was also refreshing to see a fully black cast in a horror movie, which doesnt happen often. The plot twist at the end of the movie ties the film together really well, and was unexpected.
Elements i Didn't Like: The plot of the movie was that there was a double of everyone in the town. It briefly touches over it and doesnt give a good explanation of where half the characters came from. The plot wasnt well answered and leaves the viewer confused, even after the movies definite finale. It was a good movie, but I think the directors didn't put enough effort into making the story make more sense.

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